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-a-kind carbon capture technology

UK carbon capture risks and affordability called into question | CCS

Committee says UK ‘gambling’ on CCS but CCSA says technology is proven Committee says UK ‘gambling’ on CCS but CCSA says technology is proven The UK government’s backing of unproven, first-of-a-kind carbon capture technology to reach Net Zero is high risk and more work on the programme’s affordability for taxpayers and consumers is needed, according to a Public Accounts Committee (PAC) report. With no examples of CCUS technology operating at scale in the UK, the PAC’s inquiry heard it may not capture as much carbon as expected, with international examples showing expectations for its performance are far from guaranteed. Sir Geoffrey Clifton-Brown MP, Chair of the Committee, said, “Government is gambling on carbon capture technology becoming foundational to achieving Net Zero. In this context, it is welcome to see government learning lessons from past failures… Read More »UK carbon capture risks and affordability called into question | CCS