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Aphrodite rising as Chevron, Shell, NewMed and Cyprus give the go-ahead for tweaked gas development plan

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Chevron and its partners, BG Cyprus (Shell) and NewMed Energy, have given their blessing, together with the government of Cyprus, for an updated development plan of an offshore gas field reservoir in Block 12 located in the Eastern Basin of the Mediterranean Sea. The post Aphrodite rising as Chevron, Shell, NewMed and Cyprus give the go-ahead for tweaked gas development plan appeared first on Offshore Energy.

Brazil in for busy summer with new oil & gas round

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Brazil’s National Agency of Petroleum, Natural Gas, and Biofuels (ANP) has disclosed the date for the country’s next oil and gas bidding round. The post Brazil in for busy summer with new oil & gas round appeared first on Offshore Energy.

SBM Offshore celebrates first steel cut for deepwater oil project’s floater

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SBM Offshore has kicked off the construction phase of a disconnectable turret mooring (DTM) for a floating storage and offloading (FSO) unit, destined to be deployed at a deepwater oil project 30 km south of the Mexico-U.S. maritime border. The post SBM Offshore celebrates first steel cut for deepwater oil project’s floater appeared first on Offshore Energy.

Scientists develop value-add hydrogen method without CO2 | Hydrogen

Scientists from Peking University in China and Cardiff University in the UK have developed a new hydrogen production method that eliminates direct carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions while producing acetic acid, a high-value industrial chemical. The process uses a bimetallic catalyst to react bioethanol, sourced from agricultural waste, with water at 270C. This is significantly lower than the 400C to 600C typically required in conventional hydrogen production using steam methane reforming, which is energy-intensive and puts out large amounts of CO2. Instead of emitting CO2, the process also makes acetic acid, a widely used industrial chemical with an annual global consumption exceeding 15 million tonnes. … to continue reading this article and more, please login, register for free, or consider subscribing to gasworld Source link

Canada’s net-zero LNG export terminal taking shape as construction ops continue (Gallery)

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Woodfibre Management, a privately held Canadian company based in Vancouver, is going full steam ahead with foundation and marine piling work to breathe life into its operated $5.1 billion liquefied natural gas (LNG) export project. The post Canada’s net-zero LNG export terminal taking shape as construction ops continue (Gallery) appeared first on Offshore Energy.

MOL invests in US developer of e-fuels

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Japanese shipping major Mitsui O.S.K. Lines (MOL) has invested in California-based Twelve Benefit Corporation, a company developing synthetic fuels (e-fuels) and chemicals, contributing to the global expansion of clean fuels. The post MOL invests in US developer of e-fuels appeared first on Offshore Energy.

Construction of LNG dual-fuel 10,800 CEU car carriers begins in China

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Guangzhou Shipyard International (GSI), part of China State Shipbuilding Corporation (CSSC), has started the construction of the first LNG dual-fuel car carrier for South Korean shipping giant HMM. The post Construction of LNG dual-fuel 10,800 CEU car carriers begins in China appeared first on Offshore Energy.