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ammonia europe president marc van doorn

New ammonia body launches certification scheme | Ammonia

Ammonia Europe wants to boost collaboration and transparency Ammonia Europe wants to boost collaboration and transparency New business association Ammonia Europe has launched a voluntary certification scheme which aims to provide transparency to European customers on the carbon footprint of their ammonia purchases. An Ammonia Certificate is issued for each tonne of ammonia with a product attribute declaration of the footprint and energy origin, such as hydrogen from electrolysis, biomethane or methane. It uses a mass balance chain-of-custody system with optional ‘book and claim’ in the single market, and pilot audits at Fertiberia and Yara renewable ammonia plants. With a decarbonised ammonia system targeted for 2050, the new body aims to foster collaboration across the continent’s value chain and unlock the potential of ammonia for climate neutrality. Eleven founding members are listed on its website,… Read More »New ammonia body launches certification scheme | Ammonia