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energy-intensive cement industry accounts

Cemvision hydrogen solution tackles cement emissions | Decarbonisation

Swedish company Cemvision claims to have developed a new solution which can electrify fossil-free cement production by combining green hydrogen, plasma and resistive heating. After completing three parallel projects, Cemvision said it is now in a position to scale the cement and its technology marks a shift in sustainable building materials. Unlike competitors reliant on CO2-based plasma systems, Cemvision’s clinker chemistry and nitrogen approach avoids the need for carbon capture. Oscar Hallen, CEO of Cemvision, said, “With a 100% electrically made clinker, we show that an industry-leading performance is possible with a minimal carbon footprint.” The energy-intensive cement industry accounts for 8% of global CO2 emissions and its energy consumption accounts for 50-60% of overall cement production cost. Hallen added, “For us, it’s all about reducing green premiums, making our products accessible without great surcharges… Read More »Cemvision hydrogen solution tackles cement emissions | Decarbonisation